Is Tongkat Ali Safe?

Yes, as long as you use a genuine extract produced to a good standard Tongkat Ali is an extremely safe way to boost your testosterone level. At Tongkat Fitness, we have been using and selling Tongkat Ali root extract since 2004 without issue.

Know What You Are Buying

Suppose you are looking to purchase Tongkat Ali extract. In that case, we recommend reading our Tongkat Ali buyers guide to help you avoid some poorly produced extracts that we consider unfit for use.

But first, let's look at why using Tongkat ali is safer than testosterone replacement therapies and other methods of boosting testosterone levels.

No Shutdown & No Gyno

Tongkat Ali extracts at between 0.5% and 3% eurycomanone strength provide a controlled stimulation of naturally produced testosterone, allowing the user to gently increase their testosterone level and then hold their testosterone at the desired level.

When you wish to stop using Tongkat Ali, your testosterone level gradually lowers back to where it was before you started.

Because of this gradual effect of naturally produced testosterone, you do not see any hormone imbalances like you would see from steroids or testosterone replacement therapy usage.

For more information on controlling your testosterone level with Tongkat Ali, please visit our Tongkat Ali Dosage page.

Tongkat Ali Dosage

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